Автор: AlexG
How to Scale Test Automation with Jenkins & JMeter
Useful webinar from Blazemeter regarding test automation. More details are available at http://blazemeter.com/node/921
Screenshots generation for AppStore & Google Play
After searching for tool that will allow me to create variety of screenshots for iPhone 4, 5, 6, 6+, iPad and Android smartphone/tablet I have not found a solution that will meet all of my...
Is your website mobile friendly? Google will answer this for you
If you are not sure if your website is treated as mobile friendly or not check this with online service from Google. You may following the link below to verify your website: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/ Here...
Website Performance monitoring: tools you should try
Performance is one of important sides of any project. In order to monitor website performance there are a lot of different tools and services however I just want to list few of them which are...
Pydio — great open source solution for file sharing and synchronization
https://pyd.io/ Pydio (Put Your Data In Orbit, formerly AjaXplorer) is a great solution that you can setup on your server for sharing files with friends and co-workers. Solution is written in PHP and works...
UML: Sequence Diagrams [video]
Following video from Derek Banas’s Youtube channel provides overview of the UML Sequence Diagrams which you can use to design interactions between components of your application or interaction between application and the third party services....
UML: Class Diagrams [video]
Following video from Derek Banas’s Youtube channel provides overview of the UML Class Diagrams which you can use to design classes, objects and relations between them. UML 2.0 Class Diagrams P.S. If you would...
UML: Introduction tutorial and Activity Diagrams [video]
After reading UML 2.0 Reference Guide and watching few video tutorials I have found one that is just amazing and helped me learn the basics of UML and components used at different types of diagrams...
What Makes a Good User Story
This article is worth of reading: http://agileatlas.org/articles/item/user-stories